
The Old Man’s Paradise

บทละครเรื่องสั้นความยาว 10 นาที (A short playscript)

Announcer : Ladies and gentlemen. Today’s program is based on a story by Mr.Yuthtachak.
We proudly present this story of “The Old Man’s Paradise.”
Please welcome our perfermance.

Scene 1 : The living room

Narrator: One afternoon at the old man’s house. In the living room, the old man sitting on the chair is crying and feeling blue because his wife died immediately.

Grandpa: Oh!...Darling. Life is so short. We have promised that we will be together ever and never. (Goes on crying)

Narrator: Three days later. The old man is still crying. The nephew is too concerned about him. He wants to help his grandfather get through this sorrow easily.

Grandpa: Hoh… Hoh… Hoh… (Crying and holding his wife’s picture tightly)

Nephew: What shall I do to help Grandpa to be happy soon? (Thinking out loud) Oh!... I see. I have some thoughts. I will take him to the best pub. If he sees some enjoyable things, he will forget the sadness and feel younger once again. (Laughes a little and goes straight to Grandpa)… Don’t be sad, Grandpa. I have a good idea. It will be able to make you happy. You certainly will forget the Grandma’s death.

Grandpa: No!... I’ll never forget your grandma. Never!... Leave me alone, please. (Hugs the picture more tightly)

Nephew: I will take you to the pub and see many pretty girls. What do you think about that?Grandpa: Well…(Be interested) I’ll go with you. Don’t make me disappointed, son.

Nephew: Sure!... You can trust me.

Scene 2 : The pub (Turns on the music)

Narrator: The nephew and his grandfather arrive at the best pub in town. They have a seat at the corner. In this place there are many people singing and dancing happily.

Nephew: Is it a good pub?

Grandpa: Oh! yeah. It’s very wonderful. I’m very excited.

(For a while, two pretty girls walk to them.)

Girl 1: Can I join with you, sweety? (Talks to the nephew)

Girl 2: Come on, dear. Let’s get drunk and enjoy allnight. (Talks to the grandfather)

Girl 1: That’s right. We will help you to forget everything. (Talks to them)

Grandpa: Wow… Excellent! I love it. (Picks up his wife’s picture from his wallet and tears it) Goodbye honey. See you in the heaven.

Narrator: Both Grandpa and the nephew are drinking and dancing till the pub closes. They have to say good-bye to the girls right now. (Turns off the music)

Grandpa: Goodbye honey. I’ve got to go home now.

Girl 2: Good night and see you next time, sweety.

Scene 3 : In the bedroom

Narrator: The next day, the grandfather wants to come back to the pub again. But this time he doesn’t want his nephew to be with him.

Nephew: Would you like to go out tonight?

Grandpa: Sorry, I’m afraid I’m sick. I’m feeling bad. Maybe I’ve got a cold. (Coughes a little) Thanks, son.

Nephew: That’s OK. I think you should take a rest. Well… I gotta go now. Bye-bye, grandpa. (Goes out)

Grandpa: He’s gone already. That’s great!... (Laughing aloud)

Grandpa: Well… I have to get dressed. (Puts on the clothes) Oh! My dear mirror. Who’s the most handsome man tonight? (Goes on laughing) It’s me. Who else could it be?

Scene 4 : The pub (Turns on the music)

Narrator: The grandfather goes to the pub alone. He enjoys drinking lots of drinks and dancing with pretty girls. So he forgets about his heart trouble.

Girl 1: Well… What place you gonna go next?

Grandpa: Oh!... (Heart attack and Lies down on the floor) “H-o-s-p-i-t-a-l”… (Talks very softly and slowly)

Girl 1: Hospital?... (Be frightened) What?... The hospital? Are you sure? You-go to-the hospital.

Grandpa: Ouch!

(The girl2 enters and sits beside the grandfather.)

Girl 2: What’s the matter?

Girl 1: Hurry up!... He is going to die. Please call the doctor quickly.

Girl 2: Help!... Somebody help!... (Shouting) Please call the doctor. Someone is going to die.

(The ambulance takes him to the nearest hospital in a hurry.)

Scene 5 : The hospital
Narrator: In the ICU room. The doctor is taking charge of the grandfather.

Doctor: Well, let me see you. How do you feel? Do you feel better? You know…you’re so lucky that you come to see me in time. (Looking for someone) Where are your relatives? Why didn’t... (The nephew goes into the room before the doctor finishes talking.)

Nephew: Grandpa, what’s up?... I’m too worried about you.

Grandpa: I’m all right. Don’t worry about me.

Nephew: I’m so sorry. It’s my mistake.

Grandpa: Don’t blame yourself.

Doctor: I agree with him. (Talks to the nephew) He gets better and looks very well. He will be fine soon. I will call a nurse to look after him. Okay? (Goes to call the nurse… and then the nurse is coming to the patient’s bed in a sexy suit.)

Nurse: Let me check you closely. (Testing the body temperature) Open your mouth please. (The nurse bends down closely.)

Grandpa: Your.. your…breast……….big ,… bigger…breast ! (Pointing… Then the grandfather shocks and dies with a smile on his face.)

Nephew: Grandpa!.. Grandpa!.. (Shaking his arm) What’s the matter with you ? (Looking for the doctor) Nurse!.. (Shouts to the nurse.) Call the doctor, please.

Nurse: Doctor!.. (Yelling and the doctor goes into the room swiftly.)

Doctor: What’s going on? (Checking his pulse) Oh!... I’m really sorry. I can’t help him anymore. He dies contently. You see… he looks happy. (The doctor and the nurse are laughing to each other while the nephew is so confused.)


Announcer : You have just heard a play entitled “The Old Man’s Paradise” suggested by a story of
Mr.Yuthtachak. Taking part in today’s play were the following persons :
Mr. ยุทธจักร จำปาแก้ว The author of this story. as The Grandfather
Mr. ณัฐดนัย แจ้งไพร as The Nephew
Miss จิตรดา โง่นใหญ่ as The Pretty Girl
Miss ปุณยวัจน์ นมัสศิลา as The Pretty Girl
Miss กนกนภา ศรีวัฒนสกุลชัย as The Doctor
Miss อารีย์ วิลัยกรวด as The Nurse
Mr. ปกรณ์เกียรติ สิริธนบูรณ์ as The Ambulance
And me. Miss Rattiya Sukantamala as The Announcer and Narrator.

Thank you. (Talks together)
